Monday, January 6, 2014

Kai: A Déjá Novel by Tajana Sutton

I just started Kai: A Deja Novel by Sutton, Tajana on Kindle for Android!
I finally finished this installment in the Déjá series and once again, Ms. Sutton left me impressed and longing for a sequel.
Kai was NOT a favorite of mine before now. He was cocky, arrogant and obnoxious. However, this novel gave me an in depth look at what made him who he is and showed me a softer side of him.
Kai struggles to find a place with his family after discovering Déjá is  really his sister. He sees how suddenly she is so close and has forgiven their father, whose infidelities eventually lead to their mother being killed. But all is not as it seems.
While he's is in turmoil about his family, he is broadsided by baby mama drama. Cassie seems to want to keep his child from him claiming she wants to make it work, but  Cassie played far too many games in the past. Kai is not convinced and keeps her at bay. Coupled with not wanting to jeopardize his relationship with Tamia, the new lady in his life, Kai is in constant turmoil.
When Cassie suddenly disappears, Kai is forced to care for his daughter, Kyla,  full time.  But just as quickly as she disappeared she resurfaces bruised and broken..or is she?
Cassie claims she needs help from her abusive boyfriend and Kai helps her with urging from Tamia. She's homeless and in danger so he agrees to let her stay there.
Things are going smoothly...maybe just a little too smoothly as the days progress. Then Kyla is kidnapped and all hell breaks loose!
Cassie disappears AGAIN and all signs point to her in their daughter's disappearance. And the chase begins. 
We go through a whirlwind of emotions, drama and mayhem as Kai fights to get to the bottom of this seemingly random kidnapping.
While this is happening,  Tamia is sleeping with the enemy unaware. Her ex Dior gets free of a ten year sentence on a technicality and comes back for her.
Tamia is In complete turmoil because while she loves Kai she is still in love with Dior. But Dior has ulterior motives that Tamia Is too blinded to see.
It seems everything is going wrong for Kai and Tamia. Dior schemes his way onto the street team put together to find his daughter and Kai is totally unaware of Dior's identity.
Things begin to be revealed and the truth comes to light. Kai is devastated about his daughter missing,  Tamia's betrayal and Cassie's betrayal. Tamia is thrown in the middle of things when Izzy's cousin, whose helping with the investigation, becomes suspicious of Tamia...
Will Kai find his daughter? Will Tamia make the right choice?  Where is Kyla? Where is Cassie? What is Dior's real intention? This novel kept me on the edge of my seat longing for more and engrossed in all the twists and turns that were laced throughout the book! I urge you to get your copy a.s.a.p.!

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